Военная злость русской федерации принесла много вреда нашему народу. Убегая от боевых действий, люди оставляли все ради того, чтобы спастись и продолжить жить. Многие наши граждане, убегая от войны, покидали собственные автомобили прямо на дороге, часто при выезде с горячих точек российские военные обстреливали гражданские автомобили. В этой связи многие в Украине остались без автомобилей.

Полномасштабная война, продолжающаяся на территории Украины, уже существенно повлияла на бизнес. Отдельно стоит рассмотреть ситуацию с рынком недвижимости, которую ждут колоссальные изменения. Квартиры в Киеве уже не будут покупать по той цене, на которую рассчитывали продавцы до 24 февраля.

В Закарпатье создают национальный IT-кластер, освобождая от военной службы всех айтишников для защиты экономики Украины. Об этом сообщил глава Закарпатской ОГА Виктор Никита.

Recently, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduced a number of changes to the Rules for crossing the state border of Ukraine during the war. In particular, the circle of persons who can cross the border under martial law has …

Updated rules for leaving Ukraine for conscripts Read more »

Now, namely from March 13, 2022, when traveling abroad, Ukraine will again need to provide supporting documents in case of moving currency values in an amount exceeding 10 thousand euros.

The Board of the National Bank of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 51 of March 13, 2022 “On Amendments to the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of February 24, 2022 No. 18”, which, in fact, specifies the new requirement.

У большинства стран с Европой – безвизовый режим, то есть вы можем находиться 90 дней на территории Европы и без статуса беженца, в связи с ситуацией вам бесплатно предоставят еду, жилье и нужную помощь в странах Европейского союза.
Если вы хотите получить статус беженца, то, во-первых, все не так просто. Первое что нужно будет сделать, это подать документы для рассмотрения вас на статус беженца. После чего, служба, которая занимается иностранцами, будет решать ли действительно вы нуждаетесь в этом статусе, или нет. В случае если служба по вопросам иностранцев решит, что у вас недостаточно оснований для данного статуса, вам придется доказывать обратное. Легче всего, статус беженца будет получить тем, у кого прописка в Харькове или других городах, которые попали под сильные обстрелы со стороны России. Однако если вы из Киева, то могут быть осложнения, и без помощи специалистов вам будет трудно обойтись.

Changes were made to the legislation of Ukraine, now any foreigner can come to Ukraine to protect its sovereignty. You don’t need a visa to cross the border. Below we have outlined how you can do this. The salary of the military in Ukraine at the moment is 100,000 hryvnia, which is equivalent to $ 3,500.

On January 25, 2022, the Verkhovna Rada, in the second reading and as a whole, adopted bills returning the old limit for non-taxable postal receipts from abroad: from 100 to 150 euros. This means that now Ukrainians will be able to order and receive goods worth up to 150 euros by mail without paying taxes and duties.

On January 25, 2022, the Verkhovna Rada, in the second reading and as a whole, adopted bills returning the old limit for non-taxable postal receipts from abroad: from 100 to 150 euros. This means that now Ukrainians will be able to order and receive goods worth up to 150 euros by mail without paying taxes and duties.

So what changes have taken place? (We have selected what, in our opinion, is the main thing for our customers):

• The changes relate to the calculation of income tax, (which I understood): that if in the previous version of the TCU, if there were losses last year, then they were deducted when paying taxes (the amount of taxation decreased), then according to mines, the amount of taxation can only decrease 50% loss.

In our articles, we have repeatedly raised the topic of the real estate market in Ukraine, talked about its attractiveness, good and bad sides, and of course about the Ukrainian economy, in order to understand whether you will remain in surplus if you buy real estate.
Here comes a new year 2022, which means new expectations, predictions and results in all sectors of the Ukrainian economy, including real estate.

The topic of quarantine and vaccination has become commonplace for 2 years already, it was 2 years ago that the Coronavirus began in China, which later expanded to the entire planet Earth. A vaccine that helps the body fight the virus and carry it in a lighter form was made about a year ago. In addition to the fact that the shares of companies that develop the vaccine went up rapidly, as many were discussing the safety of this vaccine, as many argue that the flu vaccine has been used for more than 30 years, but people who are vaccinated still do not 100% protected from side effects, what can you expect from a vaccine that was developed within a year.

New norms have been added for the green level as well. In particular, the ban on regular and irregular transportation of passengers in urban and intra-regional public transport in excess of the total number of seats and 50% of parking spaces provided by the technical characteristics of the vehicle was added.
This rule will also be valid at the yellow level. That is, if the region is at the yellow level, then public transport in a particular locality must comply with such rules of transportation.

COVID-certificates of recovery is an electronic document confirming a person’s recovery from coronavirus disease. It will be able to be formed by citizens independently in the mobile application Action. The certificate contains a QR code. Doctors cannot currently issue certificates of recovery.